Day 2,534: Worth It

Day 2,534: Worth It

Another long, very long day. Sigh. Good day! Very good day! Want to be clear about that šŸ˜› These are all good things that are happening, and I donā€™t mean in any kind of ā€œsuck it upā€ or ā€œlearningā€ or any type of suffering kind of way. Everything happening right now is...
Day 2,533: My Story Sense

Day 2,533: My Story Sense

My story sense is coming back. Goddammit…what a relief. I can feel it. The sense of when something is fun, exciting. The sense thatā€™s unclouded by the critical voice, the editorial voice. The part of me that just loves stories and loves living inside them. Itā€™s...
Day 2,532: One Step Closer

Day 2,532: One Step Closer

One small…well, big, really, but small in the grand scheme…step closer today on the project. Got accepted for something. Wish us luck. Writing was good today. I just did it. Gonna carry that into tomorrow, too. Aā€™s lost. We had a lead, too. It was a wild...
Day 2,531: Nothing Existential

Day 2,531: Nothing Existential

Itā€™s been a hard several weeks for me. Definitely hit a wall this weekend, and my psyche suffered because of it. But…Iā€™m not getting existential with it for once. Those thoughts were there, for sure, but I didnā€™t indulge them. Much. At the very least, Iā€™m not...