I love doing detail work on a scene.
It’s already working. The big pieces are there, the hard work is done, and all that’s left is the details. I get to add in all the little things that make the scene really stand out and become real, the things that stick in my mind as I’m writing it.
Got to do a little bit of that before bed. Quite a haunting scene, really. There some horrifying things happening, and I found a couple little details to add that made it feel realistic. Hopefully the reader agrees 😛
Work was sufficiently insane today. Maybe not really crazy…it wasn’t crazy. But it was packed to the gills with stuff to do. But, and I really hope this stays true: I got a bit ahead today, I think. Maybe it won’t be so crazy for the rest of the week because of the extra effort of the past few days.
Here’s hoping. I need a couple slower days to recover.
In the meantime…I think I’m going to actually go to bed early enough tonight to not only wake up on time, but to also do a little reading before I fall asleep.
Night night. Hope you’re well.