Have you ever had something stuck up between your teeth and you just can’t get it out?
That’s happened to me before, and it’s happening to me right now. Uuuuggghhhh. I had a bite of Liz’s sandwich today and I could feel something slip up in there. Can’t get it out. Tried flossing a couple times. Tried swishing water in my mouth and sucking with my tongue, tried using a little soft pick and one of those gum stimulators. Tried just brushing. Tried waiting. No dice.
I think the last time this happened, it dislodged like the next day. Hopefully that happens again. Otherwise…gonna have to go see the dentist. Blech.
A great day! We went and got a christmas tree today! Finally.
We’ve never picked this kind of tree before. It’s called a “Nordmann Fir” and it’s soooooo pretty. It’s this really incredible deep shade of green, with silver undersides of its needles, and they’re in kind of a bottlebrush shape much like a Noble Fir, which is what we usually get. And this one is nice and fresh, so it smells great and it’s super soft.
Decorated it tonight whilst listening to Christmas songs and playing a yule log on the TV with a real fire going over in the fireplace. It actually felt a little bit like Christmas. Finally.
Such a weird year. We’re not going anywhere this year. Obviously. No family, just our own household. It’s strange. But, it is slowly, ever so incrementally starting to feel like the holidays.
Also rested a bit today. Nothing too extreme. Watched the first pre-season game of basketball and I’m excited about our new team. They’re already looking so much better than our team last year. We’re not title contenders. Not without Klay. But, we should be a playoff team, and a decent one at that. A building year for next year, hopefully. Get Klay back, and really what we’ll need is another superstar to emerge to ever be favorites again. If we’re a close enough team to a title, that could happen. That’s the goal this year.
Liz wants me to mention that Cooper is in his soft sweater for bed tonight. He’s so freaking cute. Little boo bear.