I cleaned my office today.

It involved finally FINALLY packing up all the stuff I want to sell on eBay. It’s done. They’re ready to measure, weigh, and then be posted for sale. I started that project back in…August, I think? Four months later. Jesus. But, it’s nearly done.

I’m going to do the measuring and weighing tomorrow, and then post a couple items for sale and see how they do. I probably waited too long, too late in the year, but we’ll see. If I have to hold onto them for a little while longer, no bother. At the very least I found a place to put them in the closet in the meantime.

My modeling bench is once again accessible, and I intend to use it, finally. I’m excited to. And intimidated. Not sure why…or, rather, I know *why* I’m intimidated—I’m afraid of not being good at modeling, which I certainly know I won’t be; afraid I won’t enjoy it—but why I’m feeling THOSE things? Not sure, really. It’s why it’s taken me so long (and counting) to actually dive in and do it. Here’s hoping I can push through all that soon. It really does look like so much fun.

But…I take it as a good sign, you guys, that I was finally able to make time and expend the energy to get all that shit cleaned up in my office. I’ve been meaning to do it for literally months. I feel like I have my space back again, almost. It’s kind of stuffed in the closet now—just the ready-to-ship boxes, but still—so, it won’t really be done until I’ve actually sold everything…but it was still a big step.

Positive momentum.
