If I could conquer my fear, I could be a full-time author.
If I could conquer my fear, I would write for joy.
If I could conquer my fear, I would finish this intro to my new novel, send it to Craig Martelle, and finish the rest of it with him as my mentor and learn how to write well, quickly, and how to successfully publish.
If I could conquer my fear, I would write as much as I wanted, finish all the books I wanted, and even more I haven’t even thought of yet.
If I could conquer my fear, I could write for television and film.
If I could conquer my fear, I would write a pilot that works, and I would send it to the TV writers I know to get their feedback and make it better, and I would do something for them in return, and it would lead to a working relationship that eventually would lead to my first job for a series.
If I could conquer my fear, I would find a mentor.
If I could conquer my fear, I would travel the world with Liz.
If I could conquer my fear, I would have the house of my dreams.
If I could conquer my fear, I would build the runabout model sitting in my office, and learn how to get good at modeling.
If I could conquer my fear, I would make a movie, or a short. I’d put Liz in the lead role. And me too. And all my actor friends, and it would be good, too.
If I could conquer my fear, I’d play softball.
If I could conquer my fear, I would be an editor to other writers and help them make their stories better.
If could conquer my fear…
I’d do more than all that. But all that is a start.