Late night tonight. Stayed up watching a show about MURDER together.

It’s called “Murder in the Bayou” and it’s preeeetttyyyy fascinating so far. Was on Showtime. Now on Prime. Highly recommend.

It’s also raining right now! Always love it when that happens 🥰 First real rain of the season. Makes me think of home. For sure. There was even thunder and lightning! That’s definitely more rare. But, far away. Not too loud.

I think that’s it for now, since it’s so late. My bike helmet is coming in on Wednesday. Excited about that. Did I mention that Liz managed to find me a new bike for christmas? Came all the way from Portland. I’m so excited to ride it.

Here’s to a full week off. Need to do some reading tomorrow! Gotta get this book read for notes for Chris! 🙂 Looking forward to it.
