I got a metric sh*t ton of work done over the past two days. Definitely wiped the eff out. Brain is wasted. Body so, so tired. I did all of my workouts. I did all of the things. It was a great day. Even writing was great.

Writing hasn’t been hard lately. That’s been a wonderful development. I can feel a shift in mindset: get it right and move on. Less handwringing. Over either the “right” or the “done.” The sessions are more determined, but less tight. Not sure that makes sense…but the determination is more of an ease. Honestly, it feels like old times. Like Starstuff times.

I’m more conscious of what I’m afraid of. The editing, for example . . . I was afraid of it. Afraid because I’d never done it before. Afraid that it would take too much time or wear me out. Afraid of all these things that I became certain of would happen. And the breakthrough was that I just needed to set the fears aside and just do it. Try it out. It’s the only way to truly know.

Somehow, I’m not exactly sure how, but it’s the same with my writing right now. A letting go of fear. And in its place is more confidence, and a willingness to just do the work.

I’m not all the way there. By any means. But, I’m getting there.
