So, there’s a ticktok “meme”…or, trend, or I suppose just “ticktok” going around right now in which a person does something extreme in the realm of passive aggressiveness—like, for example, changing their Netflix streaming account from 4 screens to 1 screen so as to kick off friends or family members that are using their login—and say “I woke up today, and I chose violence.”

It’s very funny.

And I’m so glad I just explained it in written form. So sure it translates perfectly.

For All Mankind is pretty damn good. At least the episode we just watched. Goddamn. Shit got real. Bravo. We’re enjoying the show 🙂

Not much writing today. Only one session. Sigh. I podcasted with Josh today, so we were talking about it, but I’ve just been out of rhythm the past couple weeks. And…that’s okay. I’ll get it back. I just need to turn the page.

So…here’s to that. Today was a good day. Turning the page. See you kids back here tomorrow!