Right now, setting up story is painful.

That’s where I am in the process of writing my current book: setting things up. There’s so much unknown, so much detail to fill in, so much *I* don’t know yet about my characters, and it’s so easy for me to write outside of the flow and just kind of force things that I then want to go back and change.

I was better about that with my first book. I just WROTE as opposed to falling to far on the side of either not caring or caring too much. I was able to slip into the stream and float for a while.

I’m working to get back to that. I do feel it, it’s not like it’s a lost feeling, thank lord. But it CAN be more consistent. It can be my default.

I was going to sit here and write, tonight, about how I just need to put in the effort necessary to get done what I want to get done, and that is true…but really what I need is the flow. I need to let go, I need to enjoy my writing, and write forward and not look back till I’m done.

I can do that.

The great news is this: I’m getting up on time, and I’m getting my pages done. The one last missing step is to ENJOY it.


Sink in.


I can do that.

Night 🙂