Ended the day just now with great news! Can’t say exactly what, but proud of my bear 🙂
Proud, too, of our friends Arg and Kristen! They’re in the process of buying a house, and we got to go over and see it. It’s close! And it’s so cute. Big step forward for them, for sure, and I couldn’t be more proud of them.
Work was great today. Got shit done. Slept in a little because of podcasting last night, but I’m going to make up my missed writing session by getting my ass up early tomorrow! Which also means…it’s sleep time.
Such short entries the past couple months…years…I used to write more. I guess I’ve used this blog in those previous years to get a lot of thoughts out of my head and onto a page somewhere, and now I’ve done a lot of that! My entries are more practical these days. A chronicle of my day. A concise thought or exploration on how I’m feeling. And a resolve to do something tomorrow.
It works for me. I’m so happy with these blog entries. For the most part, they’re the full, whole picture. Not all the time. Sometimes I do have to keep some things off this page, because they’re personal, or they’re about someone else, or they’re just otherwise confidential. But for the most part, this is unfiltered.