We’re watching Tommen Barkrathian, First of his Name tonight.

We’ve watched him many times before…but it’s been a while! It’s only when our friends Stephen and Thida go out of town somewhere they can’t take him, and obviously that didn’t really happen during the last year of quarantine. But, they’re off on an airplane trip tomorrow morning first thing, so we get him tonight, and for the rest of the week, plus weekend. Excited to have him. He fits in so well with our little pack. AND, our bed is a king, now, which means we have enough room for three dogs and are still comfortable. Huzzah!

I…worked my ass off today. Right up until just a few minutes ago. Project will be done ON TIME. Whew. And I can kinda take it easy tomorrow. Just tying up the last loose bits and whatnot. Not that I don’t have a metric shit ton of stuff to do tomorrow, because I do. Le sigh.

For now…good night. Gotta get up tomorrow on time and get that writing in.
