Spent a day today with the Ho’s.

I can’t remember if I’ve even mentioned that yet this week because it’s been so crazy, but Liz’s dad is down staying with us. Full house! Him and Tommen!

We spent the day together today. Twas lovely. We went to a really cool car and airplane bookstore over in Burbank, and he was able to find a bunch of books and magazines he didn’t have. Then, we went over to Travel Town in Griffith Park, which has a bunch of old train engines and cars. That was fun, too. I’ve never been there. Definitely for the kids, but still some fun stuff to see.

Our friends Arg and K-Bear bought a house, and they’re painting it right now, so we got to go over there and see what they’ve been up to. That was fun. Took a nice long nap after that.

It was a fun day. Definitely low-key, and I appreciated that.
