I’m not sure why tonight, exactly, but I feel like taking stock in my blog. I’ve been…doing better lately. In writing. Life in general. Therapy has helped a lot with that, I get to pour out my thoughts and feelings there, I get to do that more with my wife because I’m getting better at verbalizing my feelings.
And, you know, I’m honestly not sure if I do that less here because of it.
I do notice that my entries are not as long as they used to be. Not as much variety. Mostly what I come here to write each night is how much I did or didn’t write. A little bit of what I did that day, but the writing is usually the topic; a journal of whether or not I wrote that day, and how I felt about it.
Liz is out of town tonight. The house is too quiet.
Things are going well with my co-writer. Genuinely. We have different writing styles, I would say, but where we overlap is pretty magic. The things he teaches me, sometimes without saying it directly. I hope I’m interpreting them right, and I have reason to think I am: he’s really pleased with where the story is. So am I. I can feel it when I write. The story is working.
Pups went and got their hairs trimmed today. They smell so good. They’re so small with their hair short. Coco is currently rocking a truly massive blem next to me. The house is dreadful when they’re away. Too empty. Too quiet. I genuinely miss them when they’re only gone for a few hours.
I really enjoy my client work. It’s exhausting. But I love it. My friend Matt reached out to me today to see if I could take a look at some outlines he has for three new projects. I told him yes. Looking forward to it.
Oh! And I had a random thought today, but something that really struck me: of all the movies on the AFI’s Top 100 films, only a handful of them are actually in the miniplot genre, which is what we generally associate as “art house” style films; films where the external genre (think action, crime, horror, western, etc.) is scarce to non-existent, and the drama/conflict is much more internal and often understated. Like…maybe three or four films thus far. The rest? Hard, down the line external genre stories. The artsy fartsy stuff is almost totally absent. Pretty interesting.
I really wish I could talk about the “project” Liz and I have been working on. Soon. Not yet, but soon. More progress was made today.
Coco still has that blem.
And I’m going to bed on time tonight, which is why this entry got a little more varied than just how the writing is going. I want to write about more on these entries. I used to write about a lot more. Life is not just writing. My life is not just about how my writing went that day.
Let’s see how tomorrow goes. Night, kids 😉 thanks for reading