Got myself some new (old-model) airpods on a crazy good sale, and now I have music back for blog entry and late night writing!
My OG airpods went completely kaput around this time last year, I think. Something like that. And yes. I already have airpods. The pro kind, actually, with the noise cancelling. I use them allll the time. But, I keep them in one place in my office, so I don’t lose them. I could conceivably move them back and forth between there and the bedroom and just use those to listen to music at night…
But that’s risky, folks. If I don’t have ONE place to put my keys, my wallet, and my airpods, I will 100% lose that shit. Every time. So, I haven’t had earphones for bed time.
Now I Do. I’m excited. And the OG airpods are so much cheaper nowadays! It was an easy splurge. Thanks Amazon!
Podcasting with Josh. We finished in record time! Need to have a long, productive day tomorrow, which means it’s sleeepy time. Night night.