Man…I need my days off. I really do.
I had designs on doing a buuunch of stuff today, and almost none of it happened because I was so gd tired. I did some stuff. It wasn’t a total wash. But the biggest thing I did was take a very long nap because I was absolutely wiped.
It’s because I’m almost done with my book. And I really, really want to be done with my book, and that anxiety will not be relieved until I finish. It wears me down. It also spurs me on to write, so that’s the positive side of it…
Need. To. Finish. It.
I was productive on that front this week. Most of my big designs today were around finishing it…but I’m glad I took the day to rest. Reset. Recharge. Sleep. Tomorrow morning, it’s back to work. I’ve been enjoying writing on Sunday mornings, actually. It helps with the anxiety to have an extra day to write each week. I think I’ll keep it.
But, Saturdays seem to need to be for resting.
Night night.