This morning was one of those mornings where I didn’t have it. Resistance got the better of me, and all it took was my phone.
I used to have a rule about my phone and writing: I didn’t pick it up until after I was done. Sigh. I’ve let that slip over the past couple months. No more. The rule is back in effect.
I did get up on time, though, and I did get my ass in the chair. So, progress was still made. I can do better, though. I adjusted my wake-up time back to what it used to be. I wanted to make a little later, a little less stress on going to bed on time, but it just made my mornings too late. I love walking the dogs after writing. I get to listen to my podcasts, get outside, then eat afterwards. But, in order to do that and still get to work on time, I have to start writing earlier.
I don’t know if I’ll ever stop fiddling with my schedule, you guys. It’s nuts. I think about it too much. I find something that works, but I try to fiddle with it anyway. Stupid. Just stick with what works!
So, I will.
Maybe it gets tiring to read about all this minutiae. But, for real, if you’re a writer trying to wade through getting your first book done, or your second or third or whatever…this is the real shit right here. This is literally how I work my way through finishing a book. I’ve done it several times before this, and yet here we are. This is my truth. I’m not putting any of this on for the blog 😛 I struggle with this stuff every single day. And I still manage to finish. Somehow.
Persistence. That’s the “somehow.” I don’t give up. I’ll write one of these entries every day for 3000 days. THAT’S how I finish. I commit to things that I love doing, and then I put on my armor to do battle with resistance every day. And, as you can tell from reading these entries, resistance WINS A LOT OF THE TIME. I wish it didn’t, but it does.
That’s normal.
Turn the page and move on.
Athletes have short memories. So must I.
…what was I talking about again?
Night night.