As expected, this morning was rough. I was literally falling asleep at the keyboard. But, I got a little bit done, and more importantly, I was up on time.

Same thing tomorrow. But, I can feel it: tomorrow I will get more done. A lot more. I’m not even stuck on my outline! I have the next sequence of scenes already plotted out in rough form before me, I just have to fill it in, “see” it in my head. So…that’s the goal for tomorrow. Just fill those scenes in. Tackle the next bit of unknown the day after and the day after that.

In a good rhythm, I can have this outline done in two weeks. Maybe even one. So…just need to find the rhythm. Get writing. Hell yes.

It’s late. Time for bed. I rocked my Netflix work today. Setting myself up for some time to work on the project. More on that…soon.
