Tonight’s blog entry title is a song lyric, by the way, kids. Lol. Liz is listening to it right now. GREAT song. Resurrected by TikTok.
Our bathroom light turns itself off. How cool is that? We didn’t even know it was a feature. Future-house.
I…am freaking wiped out, man. These past two+ weeks have worn me the fuck out, from top to bottom, inside and out. Today, I got a surprise reprieve. I was putting in the marathon hours it would take to get me across the finish line on this latest super-work-intensive project…and I got word that they might already have enough from me. To pause what I was doing.
It was right at the end of the the normal work day…the hours of which I was about to blow past in order to get done what I needed to get done. So. I wrapped up what I was working on, set up my stuff to run overnight…and I went in and took a fucking nap. An epic one. I was OUT. For about an hour. And when I woke up, it was the kind of tired where I knew I could have slept longer. I almost did…but the pups needed walking, and that got me up up and brain humming again.
And then I had a nice evening. Helped Liz with setting up her office. Watched the Warriors game from last night. Ate some pasta. Now, it’s bed time. A normal night. Not a work night. Not collapse from exhaustion.
What a relief.