Bug bit my on my butt today. Granted, I was probably destroying its home…
Did some yard work! It’s been a while. Was able to clear out half of our portion of the sidewalk of all the fracking weeds that had decided to encroach. Coops hated being inside while I did it…but then didn’t like all the grunting and loud noises I was making when he was outside with me…so we found him some neutral ground, and he hung out on the porch, and sometimes in the driveway, watching me.
I was pretty productive today. Thank lord. I sorted some paper files. I cleared out the giveaway stuff by the front door and loaded it all into my car. It still needs to go to the goodwill, but it’s out of our entryway at least. I did the aforementioned weeding. I showered. I ate incredible Indian food. I watched a weird Swedish film. AND…I took a pretty epic two hour nap that I really, really needed. It was oh so very needed.
And now I’m wiped. It’s time for bed. Getting my ass up on time tomorrow morning and doing my writing.
Night night.