It is LATE.

Podcasted tonight with J. We have Ashika in town starting tomorrow night, and podcasting with her in the house wasn’t gonna fly…so we met tonight. Watched Upstream Color. It’s the sophomore film from the guy who did Primer. Not quite the classic Primer was, but I still enjoyed it immensely.

Got some HUGE news from my bro. Great news. I’m so excited.

Work was good. Busy. Got my shit done though. I think I might have even figured out how to stop a leak without calling a plumber…but “think” is the operative word, there. Gonna have to wait and see if the moisture goes away or not.

Tired. Only got through five pages today. It puts me 15 pages behind. A day and a half. That’s tough to make up. We’ll see if I can. If I can’t, who cares. I’m still very, very happy with my progress thus far. I’m crushing it right now.

Night night.