So, the thing that I’ve learned about the 40-day plan is that it doesn’t really have any room for error, any room for flexibility. But, here’s the thing: I do. I have room for flexibility. I have the ability to flush the days in which I didn’t get done as much as I wanted to down the toilet and start over. Or, not start over, but just continue on continuing on. And godammit, that’s what I’m doing.

I…it’s been a long, loooonngggg time getting here, kids, but I fell behind this week by several days on where I wanted my page count to be…and I’m not stressing about it. It’s a goddamn MIRACLE. I’m literally not. I’m going to dive back in tomorrow, fresh new week, and the goal is quite simply the same it was last week and the week before: write ten pages a day. For real, if I just keep that up, keep that mentality of turning the page, and it doesn’t fuuuuuuucking matter whenever I fall short, because I know I can write ten pages in a day, that’s the goal the next day…keep that up, and this book will be written so very, very fast.

Or, just: this book will be written. Period.

Massive step forward in terms of me becoming the professional, full-time author I want to be. The only thing standing between me and the author career I want is more books. Gotta finish more of em.

And I am.

It was so nice having Joe and Madhuri and Ashika in town. Truly. I love them so much. They’re family. We had a wonderful first half of the day together before they left to go home. And I got my writing done. I realized a scene I’d written wasn’t quite working—it was close, but close enough that I actually realized how I could just do it better, and so I’m going to dive into that tomorrow. Wish me luck.

Helped Liz with an audition, which is getting me to bed a little later than normal, but hey…that’s okay, too. We’ll take tomorrow one step at a time.

Night night!