Hectic week. Sigh. Next week should be less so. I need it to be. I know it’s going to start out busy on the work front, but if I get my shit done this weekend, that won’t be no thang.

I had beaujelais with mcdonald’s tonight and it DELICIOUS. The first beaujelais I’ve had that I actually quite liked. The first two I tried were…fine. It’s also that it really has to go with food. Josh is on the money with that: you gotta drink wine with FOOD. That is really when it shines. Drink it alone and it’s fine—it can be very enjoyable, in fact…but it’s never at its BEST without good food. Or bad food, like McD’s.

It was a really, really busy week you guys. I was hoping to have this weekend to recuperate, but that’s not going to happen. I *have* *to* get this shit done. Sigh. And I can! I totally can.

Night night.