I wrote 25 pages today. That’s 6,402 words. Gawdam. I did it so I wouldn’t have to write any words tomorrow (I probably will, still, but I don’t have to). I have other work I have to do tomorrow, so it’s unfortunately not a day off…but still.

I. Am. WIPED. OUT. So tired. But, I did it.

I literally worked from 8am to 8pm, with a half hour each for lunch and a nap in the afternoon to keep my going. I don’t recommend it, but it does the trick when you’re behind and you need to catch up. I badly needed a catch up day. Well, I got it.

Finished The Northman tonight. It’s garbage. I’m surprised, actually at how bad it is given who directed it. I…don’t know what happened, man. It was like a completely different writer and director were suddenly swapped in. One of the worst movies I’ve seen in a while, and not because it did anything that was so stupid or heinous…the movie COULD have worked just fine…it was just soooo baaaaad. Everyone was just playing dress up. Nothing paid off for me. I didn’t believe anyone. No tension. No one to root for. Just…nothing. It was zero.

I happens. And I’ll always respect Eggers for The Lighthouse. But, I will also now approach any of his films with a healthy dose of skepticism. We didn’t see what the big deal was about The VVitch, The Lighthouse was great, and this was…bad.

Started World War Z. Not sure what I was expected, but I didn’t expect it to be such a straightforward just…action film. Pitt doesn’t really do those, does he? It’s okay. Nothing special, but still fine. I’ll finish it tomorrow.

The pups are perfect. I miss Liz. That is all. Night night.