We watched When Harry Met Sally tonight for the Film School podcast. Josh had never seen it, and he’s a bit of the old romantic. A perfect combination. One of our best watches, I think. It’s up there. Such a good movie. One of my favorites, and easily Liz’s all-time favorite. It’s about friends becoming lovers. The script is perfect, as is the almost sitcom-style direction…both elevated. Some of those NYC shots are jaw-dropping. And Billy Crystal and Meg Ryan are next-level amazing. It’s a perfect movie. I don’t think there was anything in it that didn’t work, really.

Work day was hectic, but only because I had a ton of small tasks to try and complete before Josh came over. I got a bunch of them done, a ton of stuff that had kind of built up over the past several weeks and months. So, that felt good. Still a ton of stuff to do. Gonna be a busy couple weeks. Sigh.

But I can do it.

Night night.