We have the cutest pups in the land. There, I said it. It’s decided. Debate over.

Cooper has his hair at the perfect length right now. Just the right amount of floof. Bangs over his eyes. The tips of his hair are just starting to curl. And Coco was a MANIAC when I put her to bed tonight. She wanted to dig and wiggle worm for like five minutes. She crazy.

They both definitely had some extra energy tonight because we were gone for most of the day visiting with Derrick and Gary. Jo, Reed, Taj and Quinn were also there to hang. It was really fun. We ate food. We played Oculus for way too long. Or, rather, setting UP the Oculus took way too long. Not really, but it was hilarious. Good times.

I wrote, too. Didn’t get nearly as much done today as I wanted, BUT…it felt important to do this visit. We love Gary and Derrick. It had literally been YEARS since we’d last seen them before having them over for my birthday party. So…it was really good to reconnect and hang with them, and so exciting, too, to have our friends Reed and Jo make the friend connection with them too and come over to hang out. Just a good day all around.

This coming week is all about work. I have a metric shit ton of it to do.

Night night.