Made progress today. Whew. It was solid work from 7am to 9pm—with a quick nap in the afternoon, which was CLUTCH—but I got some major shit done. Whew!

We have a cat colony in our backyard. It’s because I’m feeding them, so it’s alllll by design. BUT…one of the kittens is getting old enough that a male in the group started pursuing her today. He was very sweet about it, actually…but we don’t want more babies. Nor do we want fights. So, Liz just reached out to a rescue and we’re going to figure out how to trap and get them all fixed. Keep these kitties under control.

None of them are tame yet…but I’m working on it. I spend time out there with them every day, feeding them. They’re starting to get really used to me, which is a massive change from just a few months ago when they’d run at first sight of me. I’m within inches of being able to pet them. INCHES!

I’ve wanted cats for years. Liz is allergic, so it’s never been an option for us when we lived in apartments. But, now that we have a house with an outside backyard that’s just ours…well, bring on the kittehs! One of the cats is an actual kitten. Mom brings him (guessing it’s a ‘him’) over the fence sometimes to eat. He’s so tiny. I want to get him socialized, maybe, and he can be a super tame outdoor kitty that loves the pats and whatnot. We’ll see. Most of the others are probably too old to get super socialized now. But, at the very least, they’ll be fixed and fed. Cats can survive like that. Unlike dogs. Dogs need humans to actually take care of them.

Anyway…twas a good, productive day. I’m happy with what I got done. Almost done reading my novel. Almost done writing down all the stuff that needs to be fixed. Almost caught up, too, on all the Film School podcasts. Almost have things dialed in for the 20Books conference. And almost caught up on my Netflix work.


It’s a lot.

Night night.