I had the work day today I needed. Whew.

Coco is still settling into a routine at home. We‘re upping the meds she takes for kinda conking her out, because she’s been very active. Or, at least, WANTING to be really active, which we can’t have. She needs to rest. So, she gets a full pill now every eight hours.

It’s objectively good that she’s wanting to get back to normal. It means she’s feeling much better. But, we’re in the crucial early stages of her recovery, and she’d injure herself if it was up to her. So, it means lots of intervening when she wants to wiggle around or otherwise be active. Lots of holding her, which means that either Liz or I can’t do anything else until she calms down. Really hoping the extra meds help with that. We’ll see.

But…she’s getting better. Her back legs are stronger even tonight than they were this morning. She can still walk (with assistance for balance). That wasn’t a given after this surgery. But, she’s still got it. There’s a chance she makes a complete, full recovery. I hope that’s the case.

Night night.