Had a really, really nice casting sesh with J. We started our Lynch deep dive. We’re watching every one of his feature films. We haven’t been able to meet now for three freaking weeks because things have been so busy, so it was an extra long sesh because we had so much to catch up on and share.
So so workday. I was alone with the pups for a good stretch and Coco was really demanding of my attention. She wanted me to hold her most of the time. Like…half the day. And not sit with her on my lap, but hold her standing up. Oof. I can’t do any work in that position, so I’m going to have to make up work time this weekend…which is a challenge because I will, again, be taking care of her. Wish me luck.
That’s all I got for yous. It’s suuuper late, so signing off and see you tomorrow. Night!