Coco be FIGHTING taking her meds lately. Ugh. She’s so smart. She figures out that we’re putting pills inside her meatballs and she doesn’t want to eat them. Or, rather, she eats the meatball parts, and spits out the pills. Then we have to shove them down her throat.
She’s actually doing great. Very sweet. Very happy. Very silly. She’s such a good dog.
Nugget came to visit me while I was closing down my office tonight. Wanted a snack. Wanted to watch me from just outside my door. She comes inside sometimes, sniffs around. I can touch her now while she eats and she’s confused by it, but not terrified. She even leans into it when she doesn’t explicitly realize that it’s me petting her, ie- when she’s distracted. I think she’s going to become my cat. I hope so. She’s such a sweet, funny cat. Very playful. Very curious. And very sweet and gentle with all the other cats. She’s friends with everyone.
Enjoying reading before bed again. I do miss reading about sports. I do. But, the reading a book is nice for now. And I want to make it more of a habit. I need to read more. It’ll help my writing. I used SO MUCH as a kid, but school—particularly college, but it started in high school—really beat it out of me. I had to read so much during those years, I had neither the time nor the will to read for pleasure. It just fell by the wayside. It’s been a struggle to pick it back up ever since.
Night night.