And I’m back!

Man…woke up today feeling COMPLETELY NORMAL. It’s the coolest thing with these vaccines, man; the immune response is LEGIT like being sick, but the recovery time is insane. The snap back to feeling normal is like a miracle, and I suppose it’s because we’re never really sick. There’s no actual virus inside us replicating itself, just the material in the injection. And once that stuff is sloughed off and broken up, the body just…returns to normal.

Anyway. That was a relief. Had a very busy day, actually; we took care of the dogs, worked for a bit on the house, I did some make-up Netflix work, we watched the Niners win their last game of the season and clinch the #2 seed for the playoffs. No bye week anymore for the two seed, but it does mean we get home field advantage at least up to the championship game (if that game is against the #1 seed).

Have to win three games to get to the super bowl. Hope we can do it.

Night night.