The good thing about writing consistently, kids, is that when you’re going through the doldrums, a good writing day is only ever a day away.
I had one today. A good writing day. Whew. Almost done with Act 1. Gonna finish it tomorrow, in fact. Send it off to my co-writer to read over and react to. Hopefully he likes it. I think he will. It’s…slightly different, but fun.
Great client work today. Handled my Netflix stuff. The Warriors won, even though I didn’t watch. Liz and I dj’d. It was a good, good day. Whew. And it was absolutely GORGEOUS out today. This is the weather I wanted. And it’s going away starting in just a couple hours, because a rain storm is about to hit. But, after that, we’re headed back towards more nice days. My favorite time of year.
Night night.