Weeded the CRAP out of the backyard today. So, here’s the thing: there’s a grass that grows wild in LA whose seeds are these foxtails, and when those foxtails are dry and brown, they get EVERYWHERE. Foxtails will embed themselves into the skin of unsuspecting animals—like dogs—and can require freaking surgery to remove. Well…today I was looking at a patch of weeds that Liz nor I had got to yet and lo and behold, there was a whole mass of foxtail-grass in there. Still green! Still time to rip it out before it goes brown and it’s impossible to contain.

Mission accomplished.

Found a couple more patches that I need to go and grab before they do the same. This weekend. Gotta happen. Sigh. Fukken weeds.

Writing was solid today! Whew. Not much in the morning, but the afternoon sesh was great. Finished plotting out a big scene. Got a character relationship feeling natural. Made me feel like I was “back.”

Two weeks. That’s how much longer I want to spend on this outline. Means I’m going to have to work my booty off, but I can do it.

Night night!