It is bed time BUT…man, I hit twenty pages today writing-wise. Whew! Wasn’t all that hard. I think I’m finding a groove. I hope so. I definitely have some things to fix this weekend, and it’s going to take some TIME to do so. But…I don’t think they’re too major. They feel major, but I don’t think they will be. Just need to hone down on a couple things that aren’t in the rhetoric right now. Setup information for the adventure to come that I missed somehow, and it needs to make sense that they’d actually be grappling with that stuff. So…it’ll take finagling. Can’t be too much stuff going on, you know? Has to be simple, or it doesn’t work.

Got a few of my teeth deep cleaned today. Had a couple with some pockets deeper than they should be. This should help. Don’t want no gum disease here!

Time to sleep. Night night.