Man. I came up two pages shy of 20 for the day. Blerg. I wonder if I can make that up tomorrow. Probably not, but that’s okay. Two pages is NOTHING, which is why its a litttllllee annoying that I can’t just push through and get them done tonight, but y’all: I am FRIED. Still got it for tomorrow and the rest of the week, but fried tonight. I mishandled my time ever so slightly this afternoon after a very strong morning session, and here I am, paying the price. Needed to get my evening writing started just a bit earlier if I wanted to make it all the way to the end.

But, seriously. Two pages. Nothing. It’s a successful day, no doubt.

I feel like this week I’m actually starting to get my head around the work it takes to churn out 20 pages a day for several days at a time. It’s getting more pragmatic, more predictable. My muscle for it is building up a bit, and while I wouldn’t say that it’s much less taxing in terms of the mental energy I need to accomplish it, it is getting less overwhelming emotionally. And that makes a huge difference. There’s more of a calm I have when approaching it, as opposed to the terror of ‘can I even do this?’ It’s getting more…sustainable. Which is great.


Night night. Busy day tomorrow, both writing-wise and work-wise. Aye aye aye.
