Eighteen pages today. I could push here and get to exactly twenty, but I’m set up nicely for what to write tomorrow morning already, it should go pretty quickly because it’s an exciting, fast-paced scene, or set of scenes, and I’d think I’d rather go to sleep early.

I rode my bike today! It was really, really pleasantly cool and overcast all day, so I was able to go on a ride right in the middle of the day and not have to worry about getting too hot or getting sunburned. Glorious. Not that I love the overcast all the time. I don’t. But in little spurts? Yes. Gimme the gray. I can go do outdoor activities and not get too much sun.

The end of the book is in sight. Gonna take more days to get there, of that there is no question. Maybe this upcoming week, if work cooperates. We’ll see. Hopefully things are quiet after being so busy for the past three weeks. And hopefully finishing the book a bit earlier than last time makes things not quite to hectic getting it published on time. I’m also really looking forward to not having it as this weight or pressure hanging over me. I can get some other stuff done. I know I feel like that every time I’m about to finish a book, but it’s true. I have a bunch of shit to get done! Yard work. Getting ready for the conference. Last time in that regard. This is the last one I’m doing this for. It’s the last 20Books conference, period, actually, but it was always going to be the last one I took the lead on streaming/recording for. We’re going to knock it out of the park. Finally.

Lots to do. But right now, it’s just a good night’s sleep. The get up tomorrow and finish this book. And then the same the day after that, and the day after that, and so on until I’m done. It’s finishing energy now. I’m close. Really close. Gotta bring it home, not rush, execute, and finish this damn thing.

Night night.