Missing Coco today. I wasn’t able to make the conference last year, last minute, because Coco needed back surgery. I think that’s why she’s been on my mind a lot today. Miss you, baby girl. So much.

Today went…well, my team is amazing. OBS, on the other hand, was giving us some unexpected trouble with our headphone monitoring. NOT happy about that. Especially because it seems to be a bit of a random bug. It’s not there’s one setting buried somewhere that will make it work…it’s been random, more or less. Which means it’s bound to happen again. Ugh. The only good news is that it ONLY affects the ability to monitor via headphones. The audio on the stream and recording is just fine. Still…I’m surprised. OBS is so remarkably bug-free. Not this time.

Not the end of the world. Just…frustrating.

Wiped. Sleep time. Night night.