The Vegas Grand Prix is the first Formula 1 race that I’ve actually watched live, and it did not disappoint! By all accounts, the best race of the year. Max Verstappen legitimately almost lost, entirely on pace. He needed a few things to break his way to pull it out, and they did. So, that was exciting. And beyond that, there was fighting up and down the field. Good fighting. Good racing. Super competitive track. I’ve learned that often with street circuits, they’re so tight that there’s very little overtaking/passing, which makes them boring. For me, Monaco is like that. Super boring. Low speed. The start order is the finish order. But, not in Vegas. Vegas delivered.

I stayed up to watch it. So random that it was at 10pm Pacific. Terrible start time. Everyone’s asleep unless you’re on the west coast…and I think even in Europe its super early in the morning. No idea why they picked that time.

So glad I got to see it. Night night.