Day 3,675: Corps

Day 3,675: Corps

A scattered day. Lots of business. But not much done. Sigh. Feeling a little in a funk today. So, it’s early to bed. Gonna try the old get a good night’s sleep and wake up early routine. Watched Goldeneye, tonight, which I’ve always known as my generation’s...
Day 3,674: Le Quick

Day 3,674: Le Quick

It’s already bed time, so it has to be a quick one tonight. Solid Sunday. Nice nap. Watched some sports ball. Got the work done I needed to. Pups are great. It was windy and cold, which isn’t my favorite weather, but we’re nice and snug in bed now, and it seems like...
Day 3,673: Grand Prix

Day 3,673: Grand Prix

The Vegas Grand Prix is the first Formula 1 race that I’ve actually watched live, and it did not disappoint! By all accounts, the best race of the year. Max Verstappen legitimately almost lost, entirely on pace. He needed a few things to break his way to pull it out,...
Day 3,672: A Quick One

Day 3,672: A Quick One

I love movies. So much. And I always have. My family has, actually; I got it from my mom. When I was little, before school, my mom’s Fridays must have been Monday, because every Monday was a “Figueiredo’s” night, which was the local video rental spot. They rented VCRs...