A random video came up on FB tonight of this guy in Petaluma giving a tour of his massive Star Wars collection, and hanging in the background was this huge Millennium Falcon…and it triggered a memory for me:

I had a friend when I was younger who had the same giant model. It was HUGE. Six feet long, or somewhere around that big, pre-made with wires to hang it from the ceiling. And I remember he’d won it; he was a retired guy, a massive Star Trek fan and Star Wars fan, and he basically spent his days entering sweepstakes. He won stuff constantly, and that was one of the cooler things he had.

I just looked it up, and apparently it’s called the “Millennium Falcon Extraordinaire.” They were display models at Toys R Us stores, and once they were finished with them, they did a sweepstakes giveaway of all 500-700 of them. My friend got one of them. Apparently, they go for like $7,000 these days. Pretty cool, huh?

Anyway…night night 🙂