Sigh. This work project continues. I was really hoping to have the last of the really problematic titles done today, but I’m still missing stuff. Stuff I won’t get until tomorrow. We’ll see. I need some plugins, and my company doesn’t have licenses for them. It’s up in the air whether or not we’ll get them, or have someone else render out what I need. We. Shall. See. I got everything done that I could get done on my own, however, so that’s good. We’ll see how it goes tomorrow!

Coops and Joy get their haircuts tomorrow. They’re gonna look sooooo niiiiiice, and smell sooooo gooooood.

Joy is turning into my little shadow. She wants to be with me all the time. Just like Coops. She’s finally adjusted to being with me out in my office. She plays for a while, chews on stuff—good stuff—and then passes out and sleeps while I work. Just like Coops. It’s nice having them out there when they’re all sleepy like that. And she’s so big, now. Still objectively smol, but so much bigger and sturdier than she was. She has dog bod now. Puppy bod no more. She very muscular, actually, even tho she smol. And she’s gotten so much better at walking! She knows what I mean, now, when I want her to stop sniffing and move along. We’re not stopping there, we’re moving. Catch up. And she does. It’s not so scary for her to go out walking any more. She’s used to it.

I hope she’ll do well on the plane.

Lots to get done before I leave. Sigh. That’s the task for this weekend.

Night night.