by Ira | Jan 16, 2024 | Challenge, Journal
These days where I do all the things. Man. It is FULL. ON. Up at the buhcrack. Nonstop including doing yoga with lunch from 6:30 to essentially 6…and then a collapse onto the couch for some potato time. Right now, it’s exhausting. I’m out of shape, mentally. The short...
by Ira | Jan 15, 2024 | Challenge, Journal
Very grateful for my wife tonight. And my friends. I’ve worked really hard to surround myself with happy, healthy people, and today was a day over and over that reminded me I have them in my life. They love me, and they support me, and I’m happy and able to offer the...
by Ira | Jan 14, 2024 | Challenge, Journal
I love derelicts, liminal spaces, abandoned…the grander, the more impressive it used to be, the busier or more important, the more fascinating is to see now that it’s abandoned. Like, deeply fascinates me. I don’t really know why. Not exactly. I just know it does. And...
by Ira | Jan 14, 2024 | Challenge, Journal
It is super DUPER late right now…so we’re making this one super duper quick: Finished uploading and scheduling all the podcasts we’ve recorded. Put my new office chair together and broke down the old one to dispose of. Watched a little wildcard weekend football. Took...
by Ira | Jan 12, 2024 | Challenge, Journal
Joy…halfway passed out, but just now realized that one of her toys was out in the open on the bed kinda close to Coops, so she got up, grabbed it, and just took it into her little nest spot in the bed and is currently sleeping with her head on it, lol. She literally...