Tilde turned 12 today. She invited her entire 6th (7th?…pretty sure it’s 6th) grade class to the park near school, and they played capture the flag, the whipped cream game where you can’t use your hands and you have to eat a plate of whipped cream, ate pizza and listened to music. Her turnout was pretty good. I think she’s making friends at her new school, which surprises none of us; Tilde is good at meeting people.

It’s wild; all those kids are growing up. Mir is a freshman. Tilde’s in middle school now. And Wolfie…well, he’s still the baby, but even he is starting to get older. And kids do get really fun to hang out with around that age. More games to play together, they get super smart. That stuff.

That was most of our day today. Came home and took care of the pups after that, then took a quick nap, and then walked the pups together. Then we went and got stuff to make Japanese Curry with chicken, mmmmm, and then watched the second-to-last episode of True Detective: Night Country. It’s…that show is fine. It’s not great. There’s A LOT about it that is frustrating, but it is fun. We’re also watching The Boys right now, and daaaammnnn. Some stuff went down in this last episode. THAT is a great show. Not all the time. Sometimes it, too, isn’t quite there…but most of the time it is. Good shit.

Night night.