I just had to move Joy so my elbow had somewhere to rest as I type this entry out. She make the sweetest little grunt, a cozy sound, to let me know I’d awakened her. It’s the little things like that I love so much about sharing our bed with the dogs. They’re so cozy. She’s curled up right next to me, pressed in tight, and already back asleep. I love feeling her there, warm. Makes me feel sleepy. And happy. And cozy.

Busy day today. Woke up feeling…well, a carryover from waking up two days ago feeling a little under the weather. The winds were changing again, I think, bringing in the warm, dry, inland air. The past couple seasons, those winds have had me waking up feeling a little achy with a scratch in my throat. It feels a bit like getting sick, BUT…not quite as bad. And it goes away once the air settles again. And when I take allergy meds, at least for the most part. So, I woke up two days ago feeling that, which always bums me out a bit. I get stronger as the day goes on, but waking up feeling like that makes me slow and lethargic to start the day. Today I felt the same. Tired. Post-nasal-y. Slept in as much as I could, and then it was off to the races with work.

Got my Netflix work all done, however. Thankfully, it’s all pretty straightforward stuff. Not anything that I really need to save brain power for. No writing today. But, back at it again tomorrow morning. So close on that rough outline. So. Close. I managed to take a nap, which helped a lot. It was a good one. Not an anxious one. Nice and calm, restful. And then I took care of the pups again and then worked an audition with Liz, which she did really well! Genuinely great tape. I wouldn’t be surprised if she books it. And then we ate dinner together and watched episode 1 of The Boys season 2. It was…fine. Some nagging questions and motivations/decisions that aren’t quite making sense, and not a fun “ooo, I wonder why they did THAT” kind of way; more the “…uh-oh – are we losing some steam here?” type questions. But, still very much enjoying it. We’re in. We’ll watch all the seasons they give us, I think. When it’s good, it’s really, really good.

That’s the day! Now…to bed. On time. Whew. Feels nice. Night night.