It’s late! But not crazy late. Josh and I did pretty good tonight getting through the podcasting tasks. And the movie was good, too! The Lady Vanishes. Fun premise! Not perfectly executed, for sure, but the pieces were mostly there, and the premise was a legit classic. Everyone’s telling the main protagonist that she’s crazy, but she knows she isn’t…or is she?

Work was light today, thankfully. Wrapping up a big project, finally. Writing was good today! Really good. Space battle is gonna be a banger. It’s the last thread to figure out…and then it’s a matter of assembling it all and making sure it’s not all kinda the same, that there’s enough variation to keep it all interesting. I’m really excited to write this book. Or, the next two, actually, since they feed into each other.

Bit of a hectic week with all the extracurriculars. Looking forward to a normal weekend. At least I think that’s what we’re having. We’ll see. I may even get a de facto day off on Monday because it’s President’s Day, and while my company is working that day, I don’t think Netflix is. We’ll see. Even just a normal weekend is fine with me.


Speaking of…

Night night.