Joy giving me kisses right now on my arm. Sweetie pie.

Good writing day. Otherwise…it was slow, and that means anxiety creeps in, which god, I know…there’s issues there. Issues calming down. Issues being idle. I know this. I know this. Working on it.

It’s not that bad, truly. It’s not like it overwhelms me. It doesn’t. I just…I have a hard time relaxing when I don’t know what I’m supposed to be doing. When I relax the best is when I know that’s what I’m supposed to do. But when it’s nebulous, that’s harder. So, today was a little hard, which is annoying, given that it could have been—should have been—so chill.

There’s just so much to do. My list of things I could be working on is so, sooooo looonnggg. But at least I did my writing, and at least I did the little other work that I needed to. And took care of the pups. And got some quality time with Bear.

We’re continuing with The Boys. Season 2, now, about midway through. It’s…I’m not gonna lie, it’s a frustrating show. Frustrating in that there are genuinely moments of brilliance. When it’s good, it’s SO GOOD. But, man, most of this season has been a ssslllooooogggggg. A slog of terrible writing. So much stuff just doesn’t make sense. Homelander literally threatens to kill Starlight because she’s still with Hughie…which she successfully denies…and then THEY’RE OUT TOGETHER WALKING IN BROAD DAYLIGHT LAUGHING AND HAVING A GRAND TIME. That’s such a tiny example, too. An easy one. There’s so much other stuff that either flat-out doesn’t make sense—the bad “people don’t actually act this way” kind of not making sense—or there are better paths to go down, missed story opportunities that could be really, really good if they just stopped pulling punches and actually went there. The only consistent part, the only part thats always good, is Homelander. He’s terrifying. So fucked up.

Anyway…the good bits keep us watching. The rest…we complain about and keep watching anyway. It’s a good time.

Night night.