Bit of a misfire today, but really only on the exercise and writing fronts. Otherwise, I had a normal day. See…I woke up fatigued, with a sore throat and having got up a couple times in the night BECAUSE…I ran out of the allergy meds with the decongestant in them. I wondered if I needed the “D” in the Zyrtec. Took a D-less 24-hour one yesterday morning, which also meant no fresh zyrtec for the night.


I need that shit. That was enough to derail me. I felt it. I didn’t have the hustle in me. It happens. Sigh. Hopefully I have it in me tomorrow. WE. SHALL. SEE.

Work was a little busier than I thought it would be, but nothing crazy. Got that handled. Pups taken care of, even walkos in the AM—easier to do when I’m not actually writing in the morning, sigh. I even had the chance to DJ for a bit around lunch time while I was waiting for some work stuff to process. I got through the rest of this one playlist I was sorting out into smaller playlists. I have A LOT of music on my hands. Good stuff. Ready to make several sets to write to. I’m excited about that 🙂

Time for sleep. Night night.