We have a pup staying over with us! Her name is Sunny, she’s a norwegian elkhound, and she’s such a sweetie. Our friends the Kings are going on a a dope-ass trip to Greece and London, and we’re going to have a blast with Sunny while they’re gone. At least for part of the time. Since Coops doesn’t get along with most other dogs—especially ones larger than he is, *eyeroll*—he’s actually staying over at Tommen’s house, which we’re calling summer camp. So, it’s just us, Joy, and Sunny. Looking forward to it!

Had a nice Sunday. Watched the Canadian Grand Prix. Was so convinced that Lando or Russell were going to beat Max, but he was able to pull it out in the end. It was a CRAZY race because of the weather. Loved it.

Stephen and Thida came and picked up Cooper. Took a nice nap. Got the podcast for tomorrow edited and posted. Oh, it’s such a good one. Notorious. What a great watch it was. Didn’t start out that way! But by the end, man…it’s a classic. Legit great.

Now, sleep. I have a ton of work ahead of me this week. Night night!