What a week. Busy. Big time busy. But a really, genuinely solid week. I made a lot of progress this week, and I dare say I didn’t burn myself out. I hope I didn’t, anyway. We’ll see how the weekend goes. Doesn’t feel like I did. Still plenty of work to do.

Podcasted with Josh. That was lovely. Had some really great discussions. Watched a…an interesting movie from Hitch in that it really flopped in its ending, and it turned out in the research that he didn’t even edit the movie. His producer did. A producer we know he didn’t get along with pretty quickly after coming to the States because the dude was super meddlesome. So, yeah. An interesting watch. A kinda bad movie, but a good discussion and breakdown nonetheless. Lots to learn and take away.

Now…sleep. It’s late af. Looking forward to a day off tomorrow!