So, Sunny has what Cat calls “the witching hour,” where right before bed, she gets the zoomies. She’s doing it at our house now, with Joy. They just ran around the house like maniacs. Joy was super into it. Lol.

A good day today. I did more cleaning of the floor, watched some WNBA, tried and failed to take a nap—okay, because I guess it means I wasn’t that tired—and put together the rest of my second writing music set! I have two of them now, which means that’s a whole session. The first new one in quite a while.

It’s good for me to put together these sets again. I forget what it takes…which is just trying different songs together over and over until I hit on something that feels right. It can’t be too much of the same vibe. It has to be a little different, to either progress the set, or to dial it back; to change gears in an interesting way. But it also can’t be too different, or it will feel forced. The vibe has to be maintained, I guess. Evolved, but not destroyed. And it just takes a long time and a lot of trial and error.

I have so much music. So much damn music. Looking forward to actually using it instead of it just collecting on my computer.

Night night.