I have the living room floor scrubbed clean for the first time! With our “cross wave,” at least, which is this vacuum-slash-mop that sucks up the water as you go so it doesn’t stay sitting on your floor and cause water damage. The only thing about this thing…is that we have the battery-powered version. The more EXPENSIVE fancy version, of that I have no doubt…but it only lasts for about 30 minutes at a time, which is not enough for our floor. Not by a long shot. So, it’s a dance of how many charges can I get out of the thing in one day. The answer is three. But I have to do the first pass first thing, like 8am, and then I can do another one around 12/1…and then another one around 5pm. That’s how long it takes the thing to charge. Ugh. And three passes was only barely enough today to get the living room done. None of the other rooms…it’s not ideal. We have a large floor plan.

Anyway…cleaned today. Work was busy. It was a good day. Night night.